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PITTURA IN TRE TEMPI - Contemporary Italian Painters /Finissage 

SPARC*- Saturday January 11th, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. 




"When in the spring of 1912 the painting Nu Descendant un escalier no.2 was critiqued by the comity of Société des Artistes Indépendants, of rigorous Cubist faith, due to the strong influx of Italian Futurist painters, Marcel Duchamp collected the work and brought it home in a taxi. The famous bicycle wheel, first of the ready mades, dates back to 1913, the year after.

At the bottom of that enigmatic descent down a dark staircase, painting didn’t meet its end - demonstrated by innumerable famous paintings that have existed during the last century - but there was definitely a gravitational upset.

Painting was no longer the shining star at the center of the artistic system, but only one of the possible creative galaxies. Perhaps for this reason it needed to burn brighter in order to be seen and to reinvent itself, next to a language like video, photography, installation, performance and net art.

Yet painting seems to have not lost the sort of platonic hegemony in comparison to other forms, as if grating beneath the surface of them you find painting as the ideal prototype, the quintessential creation of a visual experience.

“When I moved physical material, like sculptures or conceptually, for me it was always movement in the realm of painting” declared Pier Paolo Calzolari on the recent occasion of an exhibition dedicated to his painting practice. And affirmations not dissimilar can be traced back to Jannis Kounellis. The multiplications of contemporary art seem does not seem to have led to a marginalisation of painting, as for its dissemination; the other ways are never exempt from a comparison with pictorial paradigm, and vice versa also for those who do the ‘painting painting’ you cannot avoid to compare yourself with other ways of producing image. This is perhaps even more marked in Italy, where the weight of pictorial tradition, from the alfresco of Pompeii to Pictor Optimus Giorgio de Chirico, cannot be avoided. 

With the exhibition Pittura in Tre Tempi we are trying to say that the time of painting is never over, if anything through painting each artist expresses a personal dimension of temporality."

VeniceArtFactory is pleased to welcome you at SPARC* for the finissage of PITTURA IN TRE TEMPI - Contemporary Italian Painters exhibition. On this occasion, the official catalogue will be presented by artists Elio Caredda, Silvano Rubino and Federico Zanini.



SPARC* Spazio Arte Contemporanea, Campo Santo Stefano, San Marco 2828a.

Images credits: Francesco Allegretto + Chiara Famengo 

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