YOICHI OHIRA. Artist of the studio glass in Venice. The drawings by Vetreria Anfora
In parallel with the exhibition "A Destiny in Glass: 13 Artists at Vetreria Anfora" Federico Zanini, Francesca Giubilei and Rosa Barovier Mentasti present the new book '"YOICHI OHIRA. Artist of the studio glass in Venice. The drawings by Vetreria Anfora".
In collaboration with the Centro Studi del Vetro - Giorgio Cini Foundation, the publication celebrates the figure of this incredible artist, who was born in Japan but has deep ties to the art of glassmaking and the island of Murano, where he created works of art of incredible aesthetic value, working at the Vetreria Anfora.
Friday 15 September
From 12.00 to 13.00
Free admittance with reservation required: centrostudivetro@cini.it | + 39 041 2710306
Conference in the Italian language
Centro Studi del Vetro, Istituto di Storia dell'Arte, Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore 1