May 13th - November 26th 2017

Beauty and the Beast aims to address a highly topical and very important subject: the relationship established by human beings with the rest of nature. The powerful works of Quentin Garel (drawings and wooden or bronze sculptures of wild animals and fossil skeletons of prehistoric creatures) embody man in the form of the Beast, which simultaneously alludes to two aspects: on one hand the inseparable and ancestral kinship which connects us to other species, and on the other the loss of the “humanity” of our race. Mankind, essentially comprising generous beings who want to be loved by other living creatures, is caught in an evil spell, the desire of power, and whose aim is to confront nature to its goals, opening up the road to its destruction, which turns out to be self-destruction.
The extraordinary works created by Judi Harvest represent the kingdom of bees, and embody the Beauty of nature as a cooperative and balanced relationship, but at the same time fragile and wonderful. Bees are nature's messengers, the environment's antennas. The life of bees and our own depend on their incredible work, which determines the existence and proliferation of a huge number of plants. A large part of our day-to-day survival is linked to pollination by bees: our food, about one bite in every three of the food we eat, or our clothes, such as in the case of cotton for textiles.
The Beauty and the Beast exhibition explores the themes of love and redemption, presenting the encounter between Man/Beast and Bees/the Beauty of Nature. The harmonious and positive example of bees could break the spell that human beings are under, but will the message only be strong enough once the danger of extinction is irreversible, getting through only at the point of their sacrifice? Will it be an irreversible catastrophe for the human race too?
Beauty & the Beast by Judi Harvest & Quentin Garel.
Curated by Didier Guillon, Luca Berta & Francesca Giubilei.
Location: Palazzo Tiepolo Passi, San Polo 2773, 30125 Venice. (Googlemaps link here)
Opening hours:10:00 - 18:00, closed Mondays.
Veniceartfactory, in collaboration with Fondation Valmont, is proud to present the duo show of Judi Harvest and Quentin Garel. Inspired by the famous fairy tale, a contemporary art exhibition about the encounter between man and nature in the context of the 2017 Venice Biennale. The contemporary art exhibition Beauty and the Beast will be shown at Palazzo Tiepolo Passi, a magnificent 16th century palace overlooking the Grand Canal, from May 13th to November 26th 2017.