Elena Della Corna

Elena Della Corna (Vicenza, 1993) is about the conclude her studies at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia in the two-year specialist course in painting. She has been assigned one of the studios of the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation Institution (2019/2021), Giudecca, Atelier SS. Cosma and Damiano. Between 2017 and 2018, she studied in Belgium at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Liège.
Her research began with the experimentation of pictorial matter starting with the rediscovery of ancient techniques. She currently uses organic materials that she approaches through rudimentary and experimental procedures. Questioning the function and components of what she is dealing with, she tries to discover its limits and versatility, questioning them and transforming them in each work. In an attempt to exhaust its possibilities and open up new hypotheses, she conceives series in the making by initiating a dialogue between elements and space through installation. She looks for clues of distant realities and primordial signs reminiscent of code structures that dissolve into spontaneous forms.
Selected shows
2022, Venice Time Case, touring project in Europe, curated by Luca Massimo Barbero
2021, winner of Carapelli Award (Accademia category)
2021, Preferirei di No, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Piazza S. Marco, Venice
2020, Tensioni Superficiali, SPARC* Spazio Arte Contemporanea, Venice, curated by Luca Berta & Francesca Giubilei
2019, Art Zagreb, Nikola Tesla Technical Museum, Zagreb, Croatia
2019, Binaurale, Casa Capra, Schio, Province of Vicenza, Italy
2019, OpenStudio - Painting and Drawing, Forte Marghera, Parco del Contemporaneo in Venice, Italy
2018, fLUX la lumière et l'espace - le sculpteur et la transdisciplinarté, Maison Sculpture, Liège, Belgium